Hot flashes are caused by imbalance of Reproductive Hormones during Menopause. The Hypothalamic region of the Brain controles our body temperature. It is like a regular or a thermostat. The imbalance of the hormones increase the sensitivity of the hypothalamus and resulting in improper and irregular temperature control triggered by certain causative factors like stress, diet, alcohol, caffeine etc.
Ayurveda helps to control Hot Flashes and PMS by a combonation of herbal supplements, diet and breathing exercises.
The mainstay of the Herbal regim is SHATAVARI ALSO KNOWN AS ASPARAGUS RACEMOSUS. It belongs to family Liliaceae and commonly known as Satawar, Satamuli, Satavari found at low altitudes throughout India. The dried roots of the plant are used as supplements.
The name itself means ‘A woman admired by hundred men’!!
The following are positive effects of Shatavari on women:
1. It is beneficial in female infertility, as it increases libido, cures inflammation of sexual organs and even moistens dry tissues of the sexual organs, enhances, folliculogenesis and ovulation, prepares womb for conception, prevents miscarriages, acts as post partum tonic by increasing lactation, normalizing uterus and changing hormones. Its use is also advocated in leucorrhoea and menorrhagia.
2. It increases breast size and milk production in lactating women.
3. Improves general state of health and stress related immune disorders
4. It is used as an uterine sedative and is beneficial for both potential miscarriages as well as Relief from ‘HOT FLASHES’ associated with PMS.
5. Adaptogenic activities increases natural vigor and energy.
6. Controls blood pressure 7. Reduces chronic cough 8. Prevents formation of urinary stones and infection.