What is Dosha -
A dosha, according to Ayurveda, is one of three substances that are present in a person's body. ... The central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily bio-elements or doshas, called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The doshas are responsible for the physical and emotional tendencies in the mind and body. The attributes of the doshas and their specific combination within each individual help determine the individual's physical and mental characteristics, while imbalance among the doshas is the cause of disease.
VATA -Vata governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. Since Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it, Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body.
Symptoms of Vata dosha -
1. Nervousness, Anxiety, Panic, Fear.
2. Twitches, Tics,Tremors, Spasms.
3. Dry or chapped skin.
4. Constipation, Gas,Bloating, Dry, Hard stools.
5. Low body weight.
6. Dislike of cold and wind.
7. Difficulty tolerating loud noises.
8. Light, interrupted sleep.
How do I calm my Vata Dosha -
1. To keep Vata in balance, favor the sweet, sour and salty tastes and avoid bitter, pungent and astringent foods.
2. All dairy products, for example, to pacify Vata. Always boil milk before you drink it, and drink it warm, with a pinch of cardamom or dry ginger in it.
3. Sweet lassi is an excellent lunchtime beverage.
PITTA - Pitta dosha controls your digestion, metabolism (how well you break down foods), and certain hormones that are linked to your appetite.
Symptoms of Pitta dosha -
1. Uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body.
2. Acid reflux, gastric or peptic ulcers, heartburn.
3. Acute inflammation in body or joints.
4. Indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea.
5. Discomfort or nausea upon missing meals.
6. Anger, irritability, frustration.
7. Bad breath and body odor.
8. Excessive sweating.
How can I calm my Pitta dosha-
1. Take breaks, meditate, chant, or sing to quell the reactive emotions of high stress situations or stressful job environments.
2. Seek out pleasantly sweet company.
3. Wear cooling colored clothing, such as blue or purple. ...
4. Try not to exercise during the heat of the day.
KAPHA - Kapha dosha controls muscle growth, body strength and stability, weight, and your immune system.
Symptoms of Kapa dosha -
1. Excess mucous.
2. Thick, white tongue coat.
3. Slow, sticky, sluggish bowel movements.
4. High body weight.
5. Difficulty rising in the morning.
6. Feeling slow, foggy, dull, lethargic or heavy.
7. Easily attached or possessive.
8. Overly sentimental.
How can I calm my Kapa dosha-
1. Warm foods, both energetically and in temperature.
2. Heating spices—like chili, black or cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and cumin.
3. Whole, freshly cooked foods.
4. Light, dry, and warm foods.
5. Honey.